I am grateful to be where I am
vs where I was
from my friend Paula Di Giovanni
On January 2 we took the first measurements and photos of my Journey and I thought it might be easier to do them again on the first of each month. I couldn't find the tape measure we used last month and some of the measurements were wonky. Perhaps we aren't hitting the same spots but I'm just gonna plug along because I know from the clothes I'm wearing things are changing and that's all that matters isn't it. As time goes on the numbers will become more and more obvious. I changed anywhere from a half inch to over and inch in spots.
Tomorrow is the visit with the surgeon so I will update my progress then and any changes he makes in my daily routine - some ideas to give me more energy I sure hope!!!
I look mad as a hornet in these photos but I'm really not, I just hate having my picture taken, icky but hopefully as the photo shrinks so will my aversion to the camera, lol.
Good luck tomorrow -looking good!
Hey lady, your pants are baggy! And that's a good thing. Looking good Patti.