I'm sharing my journey here, if you'd like to join in feel free, if you'd like to judge move on please. My life is being reinvented at 65 this is the year I'm having Gastric Bypass Surgery. Such a leap, such a change, such a chance.

If you're looking for a crafty creative blog I have several of those and the links are in the sidebar below. I'd love your comments and your support but if you feel you need to humiliate or criticize me please just move on and leave me in peace to climb my mountains and battle my demons by myself.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

It's a Date!

~~~Even though the walkway bends
our path leads us in the right direction~~~

Well I just got my call from the Hospital and we don't have to be there until 11 am tomorrow, I really wish it had been earlier but it is what it is.  Now picture this... absolutely no makeup and I have to wash my hair dry it with no product in it.  I am just going to be the picture of beauty huh?  LOL, much better looking than when I come out from surgery I'm sure.  

I still have to pack a small bag today with some essentials and a couple of changes of clothes and that's about it.  I find it interesting they want me to take two changes of clothes, it used to be you wore an open butt hospital gown and made do so I'm not sure what I'll be wearing.  I'm just trying to kill time now and not get too keyed up before tomorrow.  

It's so hard to imagine what this next stage of my life will be like.  I try to visualize only eating 4 Tablespoons of food and being satisfied, it's a mind boggler.  I will definitely be proof you can teach an old dog new tricks for I plan on succeeding.  I just have to remember to take a breath and concentrate on this moment in time and not keep jumping to far forward.

Now for the last scales reveal before I head to the hospital --- 14 pounds!  I have no complaints, 14 pounds is a real good thing!

Thanks my friends, your support and emails and encouragement have helped me reach this point and words cannot express how much that means to me.  I appreciate you hitching a ride on this journey I'm embarking on.  

I'll update in the hospital if I feel up to it, otherwise see you in a few days!


  1. Blessings to you Patti; your surgery should be over by now and wishing you a speedy pain free recovery. {{{Hugs}}}
