I'm sharing my journey here, if you'd like to join in feel free, if you'd like to judge move on please. My life is being reinvented at 65 this is the year I'm having Gastric Bypass Surgery. Such a leap, such a change, such a chance.

If you're looking for a crafty creative blog I have several of those and the links are in the sidebar below. I'd love your comments and your support but if you feel you need to humiliate or criticize me please just move on and leave me in peace to climb my mountains and battle my demons by myself.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Change of Heart, Change of Mind

This blog sat here for a year, a whole year, I didn't write a thing. I tried to delete it a few months back and part of it deleted and part of it sat there on my blog list staring at me.  An omen?  A sign?  A hint?  Whatever tonight I finally decided I had to piece it back together and start again.  

Things didn't change from when I pulled the tote out from under the bed, the demon naggers in my brain won out and I gorged my already overflowing self more and more and more until I can honestly say I'm in the worst state I've ever been in and carrying the most weight I've ever had.  It was super hard to travel to Washington to be with my family this summer.  I was exhausted in the car and out of it.  I had stairs at my daughters to climb and thought I was doing Mt Everest.  I tried, as best I could, to hide from my family what kind of shape I was in and how I was feeling.  They aren't stupid they could see the extra pounds, see how I moved, see how short of breath I was.  It didn't take a brain surgeon to figure out I was slowly killing myself with food.

When I got home I knew things had to change.  I'd been to a Seminar at the Barartric Center here in town a year and a half ago.  Can you believe I was caught being too young, go figure!  The insurance I had wouldn't cover any costs which I would have paid out of pocket but the kicker was if I had any complications from the surgery they wouldn't pay for those either.  That kind of scared me. I've had family members have Gastric Bypass surgery and both had some type of post-op problems, one had another stint in the hospital getting things under control.  You just never know.  We are on fixed incomes and life is comfortable but there isn't hoard of extra to pay for excess elective medical bills.

I stayed after the informational seminar and spoke with the surgeon who suggested I just wait until I was 65.  At that time St George wasn't what was called 'A Center of Excellence' which was criteria for Medicare paying.  Since then Medicare has changed it's guidelines, the first Medicare Bypass was done here at Dixie Regional Medical Center in December 2013.  This means I can go here  - a ten minute drive from our house - instead of having to travel to Salt Lake City or Las Vegas. Thank goodness.  Just on a side note in the 14 months since I went to the first seminar St George has now applied to become a 'Center of Excellence' which means they have reached all the requirements to set them above other baratric centers for weight loss.

I find it so interesting that I live in this gorgeous Red Rock country that prides itself on all the outdoor activities available.  We have marathons galore including the St George Marathon, Golf Courses in every corner of the county, the Huntsman World Senior Games, the Ironman 70.3 St George and still we have so many people opting for Baratric Surgery.  I guess it just goes to show that our society as a whole has failed.   Fast food, satisfaction and stimulation of the senses by excess quantities of salt, sugar and fat have struck a majority of our population young and old. I'm not as unique as I think I am, I have way too much company.  I hope as generations come forward things will change, priorities will change.  With all the techno gadgets and a world of not having to lift your finger to do much of anything I worry that it could get worse.  But I have faith that those young people coming forward will see what a mess we've made of what our ancestors started and reverse the outcomes.  I saw on tv today a commercial for a McDonalds Happy Meal, a darling commercial advertising their newest addition - you know what it is?  it's a Cutie, a small orange little fingers can peel themselves.  It's a start and that's where all change begins with a start.

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