I'm sharing my journey here, if you'd like to join in feel free, if you'd like to judge move on please. My life is being reinvented at 65 this is the year I'm having Gastric Bypass Surgery. Such a leap, such a change, such a chance.

If you're looking for a crafty creative blog I have several of those and the links are in the sidebar below. I'd love your comments and your support but if you feel you need to humiliate or criticize me please just move on and leave me in peace to climb my mountains and battle my demons by myself.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

One Year Ago

I just thought I'd share a photo that was taken last year at this time.  It popped up on Facebook this morning.  Yep, that's me on the front right.  Wow what a difference.  I can't wait to see what another year will make!  Funny how when you're in the midst of battling your weight and in denial you don't see yourself as you are.  I look back at pictures and think I didn't see that person when I looked in the mirror.  I'm glad I'm on this new journey it may be quite difficult at times but I know I'm headed in the right direction.

I got the results back from the Cardiologist office and all is well.  A few minor things, I really hate to say but I think age related, that will have to be monitored every couple of years but all in all the stress test and Ecko were A OK.  So my flights have been booked for next month and I'm off to Washington State to see family and friends for 3 weeks. This will be the first time in I don't know how long I won't have to ask for a seat belt extender on the plane Wooo Hoooo!

Also had my first blood tests done since surgery.  The Potassium is a little low so not sure whether I'll need to add supplements at this point or the Doctor will wait and see what next months tests bring.

I'll be meeting up with this group of friends again this year so we'll do an updated photo so I can compare shots!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

A New Me is Emerging!

You cannot change anyone
or please everyone.
Be true to yourself
and life will unfold
in Beautiful ways!
                                Anna Taylor

OK as promised updated photos, the shirts too big but I'm at a crunch time for clothes at the moment, still not quite small enough to get into the 20's and the 22's are too big.............soon

I didn't realize the camera was still taking shots but this is a better shot, even though fuzzy since I'm moving. I think this is how I really look instead of stiff and still and posing, which I don't do well.

Update today....................... 69 pounds gone forever!!!